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make money on the internet

There are so many ways for people to make money from the internet these days it can be paralyzing. How to decide which direction to take is a question many people have when looking for work at home opportunities. Below you'll find some quick, easy and fun ways to make an extra income from the internet in your spare time.

I'm sure you've seen all the ads claiming you can make money doing data entry from home. The claims are that you can make hundreds of dollars a day doing simple typing and data entry from home. I've seen claims of up to $1200 a day! When you think about it you just know that no one is going to pay you that kind of money just to type for them? If you look deeper you'll see that most of these websites want you to pay for an ebook that explains how to use Google AdWords to place ads and make money selling affiliate products. They are trying to take advantage of you!

Don't let them take advantage of you this way. There are legitimate ways to earn money from the web without paying anyone or even giving up your email address. If you have a little time to invest you can create a nice little stream of income right from the comfort of your own home.

There are plenty of companies out there willing to pay you for getting involved with them. You can get paid for all of the following activities:

• Get paid to accept offers
• Get paid to read emails
• Get paid to take surveys
• Get paid to play games
• Get paid to shop

I know that these strategies work because I've been using them myself to make a nice little additional monthly income for the past year. Many online businesses want you to visit their sites and use their services. They are often rewarded for their traffic by advertisers and they pass along part of that money to you.

Of course some of these ideas work better than others.

If you want to get paid well to read emails or play games you should have a large list of contacts you can recruit to do the same as the majority of your money will be made through referring others.

You'll find that the same is true for getting paid to accept offers. Often you are required to get others to also sign up and accept the same offer before you can get your incentive so it helps to have a large contact list to recruit.

If you like to shop and live in the right area then a mystery shopping company may be the right online job for you. I live in a medium sized city and the volume of offers is sufficient to make some good money. Of course you have to enjoy shopping and you have to have transportation to get to the shopping sites.

Personally I have had the most success and the most fun by taking online surveys. The best strategy is to sign up for as many of these companies as possible so you receive the most and the best offers.

Basically, companies need to know what their customers think of their products and services in order to improve them. These companies have known for a long time that the best way to get information is through consumer surveys, however in the past they were very expensive to conduct.

Since the advent of the internet however it has become much more cost effective for companies to sponsor surveys. This has led to the creation of online companies whose sole purpose is to create the surveys for other companies and distribute them. Market research companies are hired to collect information about products and services, that is how they are able to pay you so well for your opinion. A true win-win situation since you are both making money.

So, don't waste your time with data entry or similar work at home schemes. While you are trying to beat out the professional AdWords marketers you could be making a good income today by voicing your opinion. There are many market research companies that will pay you a small bonus just for signing up with them.

Don't get taken advantage of by sites that want to take your money for FREE information. Get access to hundreds of genuine survey sites at Paid Survey Success Never a fee or registration requirement at Paid Survey Success just free access to survey companies. http://www.paid-survey-success.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steven_Walters
The biggest stress with an MLM program is not having enough qualified prospects that are as driven as you are to build their business.

It’s not the easiest job in the world to recruit people to join your MLM team and it is even harder to recruit people that are really ambitious and are determined to grow their business and be successful

To be successful with an MLM program you need to have drive. You need to work hard at building your team and you need to put a lot of effort into it. You need to treat your business like a real job and put in the time.

That is the easy part though, because you can do that, it is completely your own choice.

The hard part is getting your team members to do the same. Your team will grow fairly slowly if you are the only one bringing new members to the program. You need your team members to be recruiting new members also.

You can tell your team members that they need to put in the effort, but you can’t make them do it. In fact, if you pressure them too much it may drive them in the opposite direction and they could even quit.

You may recruit many members to your team before you finally get one that shares that same determination that you have to build their team.

Just imagine having a good, strong MLM business and being able to relax and be stress free because you have so many of your team members doing all the work in building your team.

It may take a while to get your business to that stage, and at no point should you stop putting some effort into the business yourself. You need to show a good example to your team members in building your team. Help them to build their teams whenever you can. Here are a couple of tips to help you get your team members to become good recruiters:

Share your recruiting methods with your team members. Let them know all the methods that you use yourself. If possible, type up a step by step instruction report one everything that you do to promote your MLM business. Make it as simple and understandable as you can.

If you have a report typed up with step by step instructions, encourage them to pass the report on to their referrals to use also.

Keep in touch with your team members and always answer their emails if they contact you. Be a good team leader and you will get a team that will want to stay with you.

Promoting MLM programs using ebooks is a very successful means of promotion. Have an ebook set up relating to your MLM program and offer your team members a copy of the ebook with their own referral links in it.

If you have cd’s or dvd’s explaining the program, hand them out to your team members to use.Make up some brochures or business cards and give your team members their own cards or brochures with their details on them so they can use them for their own promotion.

Make up some brochures or business cards and give your team members their own cards or brochures with their details on them so they can use them for their own promotion.Basically what it all comes down to is helping out your team as much as you possibly can and encourage them to do the same with their team. Being a good and helpful team leader will give you a good and helpful team.

Sheryl Polomka is a full time internet marketer and the creator of Stay Home Mum website. Visit her site to find out more about MLM programs and internet marketing.Click Here To Visit Stay Home Mum!Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=

10 ways to make money investment

Unlike the offerings from Wall Street, investment real estate is not limited to future appreciation or dividend pay out (rental income can be construed as the same as a stock dividend for comparative purposes) for its value/profit creation, nor is real estate investing as speculative and/or volatile as the stock market (if done properly).

Here are the 10 ways a real estate investor can profit from investment real estate:

1). Rental Income. The cash flow or rental income derived from investment real estate is a dependable source of income, with the potential for future growth and has an effective safeguard against the profit eroding natures of inflation. When comparing investment real estate to other investment options remember this---an investment that fails to deliver sufficient income (whether it be stock dividends or rental income) will in time suffer in value---conversely, investments that yield higher cash flows will show higher rates of appreciation. Don’t buy an asset, buy the current and future cash flow.

2.) Accelerated Mortgage Payoff. Anytime you pay off the mortgage on an investment property early, you create an equal amount of appreciation/equity. Success in this regard is particular sweet, when you are afforded this luxury as a result of your tenants.

3.) Property Improvements/Enhancements. Property Improvement can be loosely defined as anything that increases the current market value of the property---activities like expansion/build outs, rehabilitation and reconfigurations are examples of property improvement that can affect cash flow and profits.

4). Purchase Profits (buying at a discount). Making a profit on the front end of the transaction serves to mitigate your overall risks and increases your chances for greater profits/ROI (return on your investment) during the holding & selling phases of the investment real estate ownership life cycle.

5). Government Benefits (tax credits, tax deductions, rent vouchers, etc.). Real estate is the only investment that offers tax benefit/deductibility when you buy, hold and eventually sell the investment.

Here are a few of the tax benefits:

- Mortgage Interest Paid
- Property Tax Deduction
- Prepaid interest paid at settlement (for the tax year after purchase)
- The cost of discount points (same as above)
- Certain selling expenses (when you sell the property)
- Any seller concessions (same as above)
- Capital gains deferment (1031)
- Proceeds from cash out refinance in some cases are tax free

6). Strategic Property Management. Examples of strategic property management would be:

- Activities that would allow you to increase rent roll. - Activities that would allow you to decrease tenant turnover/vacancies. - Activities that would allow you to reduce operating expenses and increase net operating income.

7). Property Appreciation. Historically speaking, real estate has proven to be offer good appreciation rates over time---compounded this with the concept of leveraged capital & equity, makes real estate the clear winner in the long run.

8). Inflation. rent is subject to inflation (inflation is nothing more then the tendency for expenses [the price of goods & services] to rise over time). For example, a current rent roll of 800 with a 5% rate of inflation would be worth 1,303 in 10 years.

9). Leveraged Capital & Equity. To learn more about the power of leverage in investment real estate, see my article on “Real Estate Vs. Stocks - The Other Side Of The Story Every Real Estate Investor Needs To Know”.

10). The Law of Supply & Demand. Land is constantly being diminished (due to development and expansion) without being replaced---this fuels the “supply side” of the equation. Shelter is a necessary evil (everybody needs a place to live)---this fuels the “demand side” of the equation.Investment real estate thrives in times of higher interest rates and or when affordability is an issue---when people can’t afford to “own”, they MUST therefore “rent”.

H. Scott Miller is a nationwide commercial and residential investment lending professional specializing in the creation, management and growth of real estate wealth from a mortgage prospective. He is also the author of "The Not So Funny Games That Lenders Play With Your Money That Can Cost You A Fortune Every Time You Get A Mortgage" which is freely distributed at The Mortgage Inner Circle.Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=H._Scott_Miller